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My partner does not help me

My partner does not help me

How many times have we been able to say or hear those 5 words in different contexts?  My partner doesn't help me at homeMy partner doesn't help me with the baby/childMy partner doesn't help me with expenses/financiallyMy partner doesn't help me growMy partner does not help me when I am not well Relationships are complex,

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“Mom-shaming” and how to deal with it?

Mom-shaming and how to deal with it

Motherhood is undoubtedly one of the most profound and challenging journeys a woman can undertake. While it is filled with joy, growth, and love, it also brings many uncertainties and pressures, often exacerbated by social expectations and judgments. Criticism about parenting has always existed, but with the rise of social media, it has amplified and

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Myths and prejudices about going to psychological therapy

Myths about going to psychological therapy

In today's world, the pursuit of emotional well-being has become more accepted and valued than ever. However, despite the growing openness towards psychological therapy, numerous myths and prejudices surrounding the field of mental health persist. Although going to a psychologist is no longer as frowned upon as it was a few years ago, there are

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How to manage guilt

How to manage guilt

What is guilt? In the same way that is explained in our post "Why do we have emotions?", we must understand that each of them is manifested as a messenger that warns us of what is happening and what we should do about it. Guilt is a messenger that comes to warn us that we

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Maslow’s Pyramid

Maslow's Pyramid

What is Maslow's Pyramid? Psychologist Abraham Maslow developed a theory (also known as the theory of human needs) about human well-being based on a hierarchy that classifies human needs according to their "relevance" or function, placing physiological needs (related to survival) at the base and "self-realisation " needs (involving more creative and intellectual aspects) at

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Love bombing: a narcissistic manipulation

Love bombing

Laura began a relationship with Raul, a really nice guy who went out of his way for her since the very beginning. He was very detailed, gave her many gifts, entertained her with the most tender and romantic words that Laura had ever heard, they talked all the time and they had a lot in

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The transgender range

The transgender range

Marc is a 22-year-old engineering student who lives with his partner, Jose, 25, who is a firefighter. Up to this point, many people would claim that it is a relationship between two men, and that therefore, they are homosexual. Would you say it? Sorry, I'm forgetting several details. Marc was born with a female body

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Healthy sexual life

How to have a healthy sex life?

Sexuality is an integral part of the human experience and plays a crucial role in people's quality of life. We must keep in mind that sexuality does not refer only to sexual relations as such, but to a complex dimension of the human being that covers very diverse and broad topics such as sexual orientation,

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How to manage the fear of failure… and of success

Fear of failure

Most of us have objectives, projects, dreams, plans to improve our lives. It can be anything from the simplest, like making a garden on the balcony, a short trip... to something more transcendental, like moving to another city, changing careers, etc. However, we cannot always accomplish everything we set out to do. Sometimes it is

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Mental health in pregnancy

Mental health in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period of both deep and exciting changes on multiple levels. As our bodies prepare to bring life into the world, our minds also undergo significant changes. Mental health during pregnancy is a crucial topic that deserves the attention of all expectant mothers and the support from their closest loved ones and specialized

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Narcissistic personality disorder in romantic relationships

Narcissistic personality disorder in romantic relationships

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a maladaptive behavioral pattern characterized mainly by both superiority and grandiosity feelings, together with an excessive need for admiration and a significant lack of empathy towards others. When an individual with this behavioral and personality pattern enters into a romantic relationship, it undeniably affects its dynamics. How does a narcissist

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How to improve your sex life as a couple

How to improve your sex life as a couple

Sexual life is a fundamental part of a person's health and well-being. Having a satisfactory sexual life (that is, adapted to the tastes and needs of each person) not only contributes to people's happiness, but can be decisive for the intimacy of a relationship; In addition, it can also have benefits on physical and psychological

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I am not separating for my children

I am not separating for my children

One of the most complex decisions we can face in life is ending a romantic relationship. This decision becomes even more complicated when there are children involved, as many people fear that divorce or separation could cause them irreparable harm. However, it is essential to understand the potential consequences, both for us and for our

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How to set boundaries to others

How to set boundaries to others

Is it hard for you to say no? Do you put the other’s needs before your own? Do you feel guilty when you prioritize yourself? If so, we would say that it is hard for you to set boundaries. Why is it important to know how to set boundaries? Boundaries are barriers that we place

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Mobile phone abuse and addiction: causes and consequences

Mobile addiction: causes and consequences

The word "addiction" is often used to describe any impulsive behavior that is excessive, causes significant discomfort, and affects a person's daily life. Addiction usually refers to very harmful practices, such as substance use, or gambling addiction. The DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, in its latest version) only includes gambling addiction, so

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Jealousy. The great myth of love


Jealousy is a normal emotion that we may have experienced in different contexts of our lives. However, the moment jealousy has an impact on our well-being, on the well-being of others and on our relationships, it becomes a problem. Jealousy in couples stems from various ideas integrated in our society about love and relationships. However,

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Why do we have emotions?

Why do we have emotions?

It seems that, in recent years, emotions have taken a leading role in people's conversations, as concepts such as mental health and emotional management have done. This is not trivial, since all these concepts indisputably go together. In fact, having mental health could be understoog as synonymous of good emotional management. What happens with the

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How to overcome a love breakup?

How to overcome a love breakup

Romantic breaks are more common than people think, and they are on the increase: for example, in Spain there were a total of 86,851 divorces in 2021, 12.5% more than the previous year. The reasons that can lead to the breakup of a relationship are multiple (infidelity, lack of confidence, boredom, the appearance of a

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