On many occasions we hear about self-esteem and how important it is to have a positive self-esteem and that if we have low self-esteem it can be something harmful to our psychological health.

However, we are not always aware of how our self-esteem can determine our well-being or discomfort and, perhaps, we have never done anything to value it or to get to know it better; or we have not had useful tools to improve it. Therefore, in this course we will deepen self-esteem, what it is and how to improve it.


 Self-esteem and self-concept.

  • Low self-esteem vs. Positive self-esteem
  • Techniques to improve self-esteem (at a physical and psychological level, learn to respect ourselves, take care of ourselves, etc.).

Recipients: Any person interested in the subject, who wants to understand and work their self-esteem.

Date: November 11, 2017

Hours: 4 hours (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.)

Address: Institute Psychology-Sexology Mallorca. San Miguel Street, nº68A, 5th floor (Palma de Mallorca).

Price: 30€

Also, if you sign up, you can bring a companion for free.

“We do not currently plan to hold this workshop soon, but if you are interested in this topic, any of our psychologists can help you. You can choose to request a first appointment for free and without compromise.”

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