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What is personality really?

Expressions like “has a strong personality” or “has a lot of personality” are very common in everyday life. When we hear the term “personality”, almost all of us know what to understand: we usually think about how someone in their environment acts, whether they are likeable, sensitive, shy. . . Specifically, “having a lot of

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Do you know any person who has gained and reduced a lot of weight, many times in his/her life? Do you know any person who always looks after him/herself and keeps trying it in different methods? Many times, these efforts to take care of oneself hide a deep desire to fit in with the current

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Dysfunctional perfectionism

Perfectionism is an aspect that society understands as something good, positive and that must be rewarded, but what happens when it is taken to the extreme? Perfectionism itself is not positive or negative. This can be divided into two factors: perfectionist concerns and perfectionist efforts. In this sense, depending on the factor that predominates, we

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"I have an OCD", "He changes his mind every day, he is very bipolar…". Have you ever heard anything like that? We have all heard statements like these at some point or may even have said them. But do we really know what we are referring to when we use those labels? Are we aware

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Previous notes: To read this article, it may help to revise some concepts that are used repeatedly in it. The field of sexuality is so alive that one must try to keep updated on some concepts, especially when they are so interrelated. The list could be very long, but since we already know some of

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The gift of sensitivity. Discovering what Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) are

Are you HSP? How do you know? Psychology has based its personality studies on the factors assessed in the Big Five trait model and other models derived from it. The Big Five model analyses the composition of five personality dimensions in their broadest sense: openness to experience, responsibility, extraversion, agreeableness, and stability. But... But would

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The power of gambling

Depending on the society that we belong, betting money on games, such as slot machines or soccer matches, can be considered as pastime without risk. But when this pastime time becomes a necessity, it also becomes a problem. Decades ago, gambling problems were considered a vice of weak and irresponsible people. Today, it is known

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The Ringelmann effect and group psychology.

Today we will talk about a phenomenon studied by social psychology called the Ringelmann effect. Maximilien Ringelmann was a French agronomist who was conducting various research in the field of agriculture in order to optimize the performance of animal and human labor. Ringelmann observed that when a group of people pull a rope simultaneously and

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What is sexsomnia?

Sexsomnia is a particular type of parasomnia – behavioral disturbances during sleep, such as the famous sleepwalking – in which the individual performs some type of sexual act. This can be in different ways and change from person to person or even for the same person depending on the occasion: from masturbation to having intercourse

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Older people and self-esteem

Older people and self-esteem We live in an increasingly ageing society, where the increase in life expectancy coupled with the high birth rate of the so-called “baby boom” period has led to an ever-increasing proportion of people over 65. These data suggest that it may be difficult to meet the care needs of this population

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What are emotions? Emotions are often defined as a complex affective state, a subjective reaction that occurs as a result of physiological or psychological changes that influence thought and behaviour. In psychology, they are associated with different phenomena, including temperament, personality, mood, or motivation. According to David G. Meyers, human emotions involve 'physiological arousal, expressive

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Have you ever felt forced to be happy, even when you thought you had no reason to be happy? Have you ever felt that when you tried to force yourself to be happy, you didn't succeed and felt even worse? If you feel that it is not legitimate to have moments of discomfort and you

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Por suerte, la creencia social que permanecía arraigada en la sociedad de que ir al psicólogo era “cosa de locos” se va desvaneciendo cada vez más. Habitualmente, vamos encontrando personas que, sin ningún atisbo de inseguridad, afirman acudir o haber acudido al psicólogo, estar incluso orgullosas de ello y recomendar también a otras personas que

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Mindfulness, what is it and what is it for?

Mindfulness has been defined in different ways according to different authors. Bishop and his colleagues define it as: “A non-elaborative, non-judgmental form of attention focused on the present, in which every thought, feeling or sensation that appears in the attentional field is recognized and accepted as it is” (2004). It is a technique that has

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You may increasingly know people who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia or have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia yourself. The advances made in research on this disease are of great relevance. Years ago, and due to lack of knowledge, these people could be labeled as "wimpy" or "lazy". Today, we know much more about fibromyalgia and

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Communication styles

There are four types of social interaction behaviour: aggressive, passive, passive-aggressive and assertive. Depending on the style of communication we adopt, the way we relate to others will change. Before explaining the different styles of communication, we must keep in mind that sometimes the limits between one style and another cannot be so clear. The

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What can I do if I have sleeping problems?

Insomnia can cause health problems, cardiovascular disorders, cognitive and memory deficits. Insomniac children have learning difficulties and behavior problems. Numerous studies show that people with insomnia have more affective disorders, symptoms such as anxiety and depression. A good sleep favors the relationships of those around us, family, friends and prevents the aggravation of many mental

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Anxiety disorders and central processes.

Feeling anxiety occasionally is a normal part of life. However, people with anxiety disorders often have intense, excessive, and persistent worries and fears about everyday situations. Anxiety disorders often involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that peak within minutes (panic attacks). These feelings of anxiety and panic interfere

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